As you move into a new expanded awareness of yourself, your life, your work, and your embodiment on Earth, a guide can walk alongside you to show you the next layer of understanding that will open up new possibilities and insights. 

I support individuals in stepping forth into powerful creative expression, passionate callings, deeper prosperity, and richer relationships through 30-90 minute intuitive counseling sessions, which you can schedule below. I also can work with you on physical conditions that need healing through hour-long sessions. (Read more about those here and schedule your session on this page.)

I use a blend of intuitive counseling, mediumship, channeling, energy healing, the occasional Tarot spread, and quantum healing work. We create new opportunities through our focused intention as together we support you in manifesting 5D potentials in the 3D realm.

Please reach out on my contact page if you have any questions before scheduling. You can schedule your session using the calendar below.

I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you on your journey to wholeness.